

有信心, 坚持不懈和当地商人和教会领袖的支持, 十大赌博平台排行榜于1886年成立. Our history includes many memorable moments that have transformed our students, 激发了变革,把我们带到了今天. Our university, from the very early days of its existence, was built on a pioneering spirit. 教会领袖创立了新的西北会议, 为在其中建立一个新的教育机构争取支持. Henry Mayo and Daniel McGurk, the first students to graduate, trusted our faculty to deliver.  他们做到了.

Wesleyan students have learned from some of the most talented and worldly scholars such as Ben Fuson, 拿着富布赖特奖学金去伊朗参加世界议会的人, 保罗Stucky, who took students on geology field trips to Colorado and offered study courses in Mexico and Peru, Dr. 乔治·泰勒, who later went on to become president of the Saline County historical society, 大卫·克拉克, who made it possible for some 300 students and community members to witness Haley’s Comet through a Wesleyan telescope. 然后是博士. 苏麦当劳, 是谁启发物理俱乐部发射气象气球的,000英尺的高空, 博士和. 元蒋介石, who directed a litmus project for NASA that included an attempt to make the paper color change — to purple and gold of course!

在大学的早期, much of the Wesleyan community held membership at the First United Methodist Church on 8th Street; however, a lack of transportation and unpaved roads made it difficult to attend services, 增加了对校园教堂的需求. Space constraints soon spurred conversations of building a stand-alone church across the street. Wesleyan faculty and staff donated a percentage of their salaries to fund the church, 1917年开业, 大学联合卫理公会教堂.

The relationship between Kansas Wesleyan and University United Methodist Church has flourished for nearly a century. 许多牧师和工作人员都获得了十大赌博平台排行榜的学位, and many of our students became active members and administrators at the church.  The Lectionary Cross you see today is carried in all formal events on campus. 十字架上刻着KWU和UUMC的字母, symbolizing the strong connection between the university and its neighbor church.

University United Methodist Church has become part of the Wesleyan experience. 在一起, the University United Methodist Church ministers and our campus ministry staff provide numerous opportunities for faith sharing, prayer and dialogue that allow students of all faiths to feel welcome as they continue to search for meaning in their life.

10个以上,000 students have found the unique blend of academic excellence and 精神上的发展 a perfect foundation for personal and professional growth at 十大赌博平台排行榜.


The mission of 十大赌博平台排行榜 is to promote and integrate academic excellence, 精神上的发展, 个人福祉和社会责任.

堪萨斯卫斯理提供了一个以卓越为特征的教育项目, 在一个充满爱心的社区里, 植根于文科传统. 大学的使命是培养人的才智和品格, to stimulate creativity and a sense of discovery and to nurture the whole person — body, 思想与精神. 多样性在课程、教师和学生中得到接纳.

十大赌博平台排行榜 prepares students not only for careers and professions, 也是为了终身学习. The university equips its students for responsible leadership in their communities, 为世界提供有益的服务以及管理地球.

十大赌博平台排行榜 provides a setting in which faith and learning are integrated, as an encounter with the Christian proclamation is an integral part of the life of the University. 这所大学鼓励对信仰和价值观的热烈讨论, encouraging students to develop a thoughtful personal world view informed by Christian tradition.

十大赌博平台排行榜为教会服务, 通过为社区和世界提供各种教育资源, 精神文明建设. 大学的目的在于发现, to build and to share a higher quality of life and a broader vision of the world.


十大赌博平台排行榜 graduates individuals prepared for lifelong learning, 成功, 责任和服务,整合卓越的学术, co-curricular activities and experiential learning in a faith-based and caring community.

This focused vision statement is the guiding set of principles that shapes the actions and decisions taken by all members of the KWU community.

当前的学生 – this vision reminds us of our ultimate goal— to lead rewarding and productive lives. 作为中大社区的一员, we will diligently work toward graduation and preparation for a lifetime of 成功 in our careers, 我们对社区的服务,对信仰和家庭的承诺. 在九大社区的支持下, 我们承认教育之间的紧密联系, 社区活动和服务. KWU students will do our best to honorably reach our fullest potential academically and socially. 我们将自豪地努力成为课堂上的赢家, 在我们的运动中, 在社区和我们的个人生活中.

未来的学生 – this vision stands as a promise of 成功, support and a lifelong commitment from KWU. 我们将亲身体验我们获得学术成功的机会, 有意义的人际关系和课堂之外的学习.

校友 – this vision urges us to stand as exemplars of character and service in our careers and communities. We will embrace lifelong learning for ourselves and offer mentoring opportunities to current KWU students whenever possible. As advocates for the University, we remain loyal, connected and philanthropic.

教师 -这种愿景驱使我们成为老师, advisors and scholars who offer the support each KWU student needs to graduate, 为充实的生活做好准备. We will provide an educational experience that bolsters academic and professional skills, 促进好奇心, 完整性, 批判性思维, 足智多谋, 服务和管理地球.

工作人员 – this vision affirms our goals as a community to provide excellent customer service and enhance communication among all KWU constituents. We will make KWU a community where students can achieve academic and personal 成功. 在我们组织的各个方面, 我们将展示我们的承诺和尊重大学部和彼此.

校董会 -这一愿景使我们立志成为中大的倡导者, 支持机构的财务健康, support enrollment of students who are prepared and motivated to graduate from KWU, 确保教学质量和完整性, co-curricular and experiential learning programs and in university administration, 建立一个关怀互助的社区,并秉持大学的共融理念, 同情与服务.

社区 – this vision is a pledge that KWU will be a valuable citizen to Salina and the surrounding region and will work to build bridges to the world beyond. KWU will employ its resources and expertise to benefit the community and will welcome opportunities for KWU students to develop their minds, 当他们发现服务他人的乐趣时,信心和技巧.